The project ” Erzieherische Hilfen als Arbeit am Gemeinwohl – Zwischen wirkungsorientierter Steuerung und gleichberechtigter Teilhabe in Deutschland und Großbritannien” – geste, in short – is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the funding guideline “Teilhabe und Gemeinwohl”, thematic area ” Ökonomische und strukturelle Aspekte von Teilhabe und Gemeinwohl” from spring 2020 to autumn 2023.
The University of Siegen is represented by Prof. ‘in Zoë Clark. She coordinates the overall project and leads the sub-project Participation and Welfare in out-of-home care. She is a recognised expert in the fields of youth research, the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and child and youth welfare research. Her central research focus is on a justice-theoretical foundation of the research perspective, especially the capability approach. A strong integration into the international discourse on youth, childhood and justice is interwoven with this.
The University of Hamburg is represented by Prof. Wolfgang Menz. He heads the sub-project “Participation of Professional Professionals in Help for Education”. He has been researching questions of work and organisational sociology for 20 years. His primary research focuses on interest politics, participation and involvement of employees, interactive work in contact between professionals and clients in social services, and normative demands of employees.
The Royal Holloway University of London is represented by Prof. ‘in Anna Gupta. She coordinates the empirical part in England: Through Anna Gupta’s longstanding networking with different projects of Service User Involvement she opens field access to the various actors and interest groups and complements the project with her expertise on participatory research methods and participation cultures in residential institutions in England